lundi 16 février 2009

Pour mercredi le 18 février

I wrote in class that your homework would be pg. 259 C, but we didn't get that far in the book today, so this is your assignment:
Ecrivez :
Complètez l'exercise 10 à la page 259.
Ensuite, ajoutez deux phrases sur le même modèle.
Ecrivez une paragraphe de 8 phrases basé sur cet exercise.

It's the same assignment that's in your book, only without the partner/group. You will use "me" (pronounced "muh") as the direct object pronoun of your sentences instead of "nous" since you're only referring to yourself. You'll be completing the WHOLE PAGE from A to C on your own. That way we won't be too far behind on wednesday.

Etudiez la grammaire 7.2 et le vocabulaire "Verbes" pour le quiz.

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